Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had a fabulous Christmas day. Lots of people came to our house and we had lots of cuddles and treats.

This man asked if Our Oscar was collapsable.  He's nuts.

Me posing

I thought I'd left a bone in here somewhere????

Oscar's in trouble again....he chewed mum's pen

I helped mum to open her presents

Wish I had thumbs!

Look what we got!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pugs dinner time...

Plastic holly berries are not edible Our Oscar....

Me sulking
I didn't want to go out in the rain so I hid.

Our Oscar's in trouble again..... mum made a table decoration...
But she dropped a bit and our Oscar found it.....

and chewed it up! Mum had to chase him for ages before she managed to catch him.

Our Oscar showing santa how to clean his eyes
Please Tita, may we have some chicken?
This nice lady came to our house!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dad's tricks and treats...

Me havng a sneaky peek at dad's breakfast.  He put it right where I could find it and then wouldn't share it with me. My dad's mean :-(

Medical Procedure
He made me undergo medical treatments. He  grabbed me and put yucky stuff in my eye......

then he got out the Instrument of Torture - the nail clippers!  I tried to run away but he caught me.  He tried to cut all my nails but I wriggled so much he could only manage a few.  I suppose this means another visit from Dr Racky. I don't like Dr Racky cos he brings a man with him to hold me still then I have no choice but to have 'em cut. Grrrrrrr

Instrument of Torture
I forgave him when he gave us our favourite ice cream though.
Dad's not happy.  He wanted to ice The Cake.....he followed the recipe to the letter but look what happened to his royal icing.....

He had to go to the shop and buy some more icing sugar and start again.
I still say he should have decorated it with liver pate and chicken strips. Oh well, maybe he'll make us one of our own.  Now where's that recipe book....

Our Oscar's in trouble again. He got to my bed first. Shove over Oscar and let me in!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dad's cooking....again...

Dad's making mincemeat so we can have mince pies for Christmas.  The shops here don't sell mincemeat so he has to make his own. Our Oscar got really excited cos dad was bashing about in the kitchen again and he thought he might be in for a treat...
Oh boy was he upset when he found there was no meat in the mince!

Our Oscar's in trouble again.  Dad had just 'cleaned' the garden then went to inspect his precious orchids.  Then he had to wash his flipflops....


This is our cousin Kuta. He has snow where he lives so he has to wear a scarf  to keep warm.  

What's snow?