Thursday, July 7, 2011

WTF?? Part II

Now I know what the cages were for ...grrrrrr. 
I need a wee and where's my dinner?

Blimey Oscar, where the heck are we?

Food at last!
Checking out the view.

Have you seen what they did to me?????

Saturday, July 2, 2011



Manny's Toy

Oscar's Toy

Our beds and toys have disappeared! There's all kinds of strangers coming and going and my mum and her friends have water coming out of their eyes. Our maids had lots of water coming out of their eyes when Shaun was leaving. I thought they'd be happy -  they don't have to clean up after him any more. Humans are weird. Two cages have appeared - wonder why they each have one of our toys in it? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE???????

Monday, May 23, 2011

Auntie Corrie's Here!

nope - no Galaxy in here... must be in the suitcase...
is that edible?

there's Galaxy in here somewhere....

...find the Galaxy Oscar!

no Oscar - that's a tissue give it back...
You distract her Manny and I'll check the handbag...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Mango Tree...

The mango tree has fruited - what a treat!

Hurry up and peel it!

Ahh... the delights of having a over-large tongue!

Ta mum

Please can I have some more?


Full up to the top and feeling happy!

Well maybe just one more then...

The morning after the night before....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Oscar....

Our Oscar's in trouble again....look what he did

He didn't want to come out!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy times...

Blimey we've had a lot of visitors at our house.  Me and Our Oscar have had lots of cuddles and fuss.  It's been great!
Lots of cuddles!
Mum and dad are excited - they say we're going to live in a place called Turkey.  We had turkey for Christmas dinner and me and Our Oscar loved it so to live in a land full of them is going to be brilliant!!!  Can't wait!

Paddy the Pug....R.I.P

We had some sad news today.  Paddy the Pug has passed away.  God must be really pleased to have him in Heaven though!
Paddy the Pug